The website is not allowing me to complete an order?
We do not have a standard shipping service to all countries, so please contact our sales team on sales@bertfrank.co.uk who can support you with a shipping quotation and completing payment.
How do I buy replacement light bulbs?
Most of our lighting products use standard G9 or E26/E27 LED light bulbs that are readily available from any bulb supplier or electrical wholesaler. Please refer to the specification sheet for bulb details.Some of our products have integrated led lighting systems. If you experience any faults with an integrated led, please contact our team on support@bertfrank.co.uk.
When will my online order ship?
All orders will ship within 6 – 8 weeks, unless stated otherwise on the product. If you require faster shipping please contact our sales team directly before placing your order on sales@bertfrank.co.uk.To receive updates about the production status of your order, or to amend any delivery and contact information, please contact us on support@bertfrank.co.uk.
Do you accept returns?
We offer a 14 day return policy for if you change your mind. For any cancellations or exchanges, please contact us on info@bertfrank.co.uk within 14 days from the date that you received your order. You may be charged a restocking fee. Any customised or personalised items cannot be returned or exchanged.Can I see the products in person before purchasing?
Our London flagship showroom is open on weekdays on a by-appointment basis. Please contact us on sales@bertfrank.co.uk to book a suitable date. Alternatively, on the find a retailer page, you can search for an authorised Bert Frank partner in your area.